Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How-To: Chain Pliers

This little tool was the key to opening and closing the chain links easily and perfectly. My friends who own a lamp store let us borrow theirs, then I ordered my own set online.
It seems simple now, but the discovery of this tool was a true miracle. My husband and I had hired a sitter so we could go out on Friday night of the weekend I wanted to bind the books so I could hand them out that Sunday. I was really busy and would have rather stayed home and worked on the books, but curiously felt peaceful about going to the movie. In the food court next to the theatre, we ran into these old friends who own the lamp store, who we hadn't seen in a long time, and told them about the Plates project. I told them I was using lamp chain, and they said, "Oh, we have a tool that does that! You can come to the shop and borrow it tomorrow."
The other miracle is that our college son happened to be home that weekend and was willing to install the chain on 90 books! (His burly hands are shown in the "covers" photo.)

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