Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Inside The Plates of Cardiff

Many people had a difficult time thinking of what to write. They didn't have access to what others had written like I did, and didn't have a vision of what the project was. I asked them to submit their testimony, conversion story, favorite scripture, faith-promoting story, etc. If someone bore their testimony or gave a talk in church, I would ask them to write it and email it to me for the Plates. The product ended up being like a pot-luck dinner in which EVERY dish was different, unique....and absolutely delicious.
The Spirit of Christ was so strong for me when I was working on this project, every day reading new testimonies of my fellow ward members. Most people don't bear their testimonies every month yet here were 250 testimonies collected in one place. Often I would receive something in my email, or scribbled onto a scrap of paper, that moved me to tears. Members bravely shared their deepest feelings, sometimes revealing personal struggles from their past that they had overcome through the gospel.
As of today the book has been out for about three weeks and the effects in our ward are already being felt. We feel closer as a ward family because we know more about each other. Visiting grandparents have seen the book and asked to read it. A non-Mormon dad has asked for his very own copy. Home and visiting teachers are distributing copies of the book to the people they visit.

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